Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lots Of Stuff!

At hockey on Sunday, I twisted my leg and got a stick in the neck.
My dad left yesterday to Duluth for work. He got a new Cops & Kids jersey. My dad is #44. The Bantams and the Cops play two games against each other.
Olivia got a fever last night.
Kate and I got to go skating for school today. The ice was slushy around the boards! The person that tied my skates refs at Spud games.


  1. I loved going skating for school when I was a kid!

    Tell Olivia I hope she is feeling better!


  2. Wow! I heard about that cut on your neck. I'm glad its not worse. You are doing a nice job on your blog Ryan.

    Vicky (Nolan's mom)

  3. Hang in there buddy! Little injuries like that make you tough!
    ~Ryan Jenkins

  4. Ryan-
    Your Dad was a really, really good hockey player too!
    I wonder, have you ever seen a home movie of him playing hockey? That would make a good post.
